World Heritage Day

On the occasion of the World Heritage Day, Salwan Public School Gurugram organsied range of activities for the students. These included Visits to Historical Sites & Preparation of Research Papers, Poster Making, Folk Dance, Folk Song. Ms. Preeti Harit & Ms. Archana Kapoor from ITRHD, graced the function as the Guests. The Guests appreciated the efforts made by the school and students. Ms. Rashmi Malik, Principal Salwan Public School Gurugram praised the students for capturing and noticing small details. She highlighted the importance of experiential learning. These visits benefitted the learners as added creativity. Prizes were distributed to the students for the Research Work (Std. XII) and Poster Making on the theme of National & Internal Heritage Sites. The Posters were displayed in an exhibition organised in the School’s Campus. Vote of Thanks was moved by Mr. Ashish Kumar Singh, PGT (Political Science) & Event Co-ordinator