
In Pursuit of Excellence...

We envision creating a new generation of conscious young leaders by interweaving enriching learning experiences into the day to day life of learners. Salwan Public School is committed to groom confident and enlightened individuals through a multi-dimensional curriculum which focuses on synergizing knowledge and abilities.

The integrated academic curriculum focuses on an innovative learner-centered approach and experiential learning strategies to develop divergent thinking skills. Exciting activities and enriching experiences such as role-play, field trips, project work, group activities etc. are entwined throughout the curriculum to make the concepts interesting, intriguing and invigorating so that these remain etched in the minds of the learners forever.

The highly trained faculty at Salwan focuses on leveraging the potential of the learners. Creative tasks and assignments focusing upon capacity building and skill- development are conducted to maximize the learning outcomes. Stress is also laid upon personalized teaching according to the needs of the students. Effective feedback mechanism plays an important role in enhancing and improving individual academic performance.

Primary Level

In keeping with the maxims of today’s fast changing educational setup and dynamic nature of education, The Primary Wing of the school aims to provide the best education to our students to become valuable global citizens of tomorrow and do their level best in every aspect of life.

With an aim to impart holistic education and to translate the significant changes envisioned by the NEP onto ground level, very clear targets have been laid out and to address these targets  various  activities and programs catering to scholastic and co-scholastic aspects  have been designed meticulously. Due importance has been given to skill development and inculcation of life-skills. The Primary wing of the school helps to enhance the all round personality of the students to strongly face the turbulent road of future through a variety of instructional techniques , a myriad of learning experiences, huge plethora of activities and participation in various competitions.

We focus upon character-formation and development of cognitive, social, emotional, cultural and physical skills preparing them for further academic career developing their personality and setting them up for facing the challenges in life.


The school at the primary level focuses on basic skill development using an integrated approach and activities bringing real life experiences into the classrooms. Heterogeneity of learners and learning styles are taken into account. Emphasis is laid on acquiring linguistic skills, logical ability and nurturing multiple intelligences by adopting innovative methods. The curriculum is aligned with the New Education Policy, 2020. The integrated academic curriculum focuses on an innovative learner-centered approach and experiential learning strategies to develop divergent thinking skills. Examples of a few activities and programs designed to stimulate and sustain the learners’ interest are DEAR program, setting up challenge corners, enrichment activities, Club Activities and SUPW activities .

The academic disciplines taught in Classes I –V are English, Hindi, Mathematics and Environmental Science. The co-scholastic domain includes Computer Science, General Knowledge, Value Education, Physical Education, Music and Dance, Art& Craft.

Senior Level

Subject Overview

The English Department constantly endeavours towards developing the language skills of the students through various literary activities such as Public Speaking, Role Play, Dramatization, Poetry Recitation and Creative Writing. Group tasks conducted in the class help in developing creative writing and oratory skills in students.

The Language Department exposes students to rich literature in Indian languages. Activities focusing on the acquisition of language skills and their appropriate usage are conducted throughout the academic session. Drama forms an important component of learning. Class VI onwards, students have an option to choose Sanskrit as their third language.

The Mathematics Department works towards the development of computational skills, critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students. Activity-based learning allows students to explore and understand difficult concepts.

The Department of Science focuses on developing a scientific temperament in students. Students are encouraged to pose and pursue questions to put to rest their curiosity in the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Biotechnology. Extensive use of technology is made for research as well as for a better understanding of the concepts. The Eco Club plays a very important role in creating environmental awareness among students.

The Computer Science Department engages students in exploratory activities that empower them with the latest ICT skills.
The Social Sciences Department comprises of the following subject disciplines : History, Economics, Geography and Political Science. Debates, discussions, quizzes and simulations help challenge the intellect of the students and make the process of teaching-learning more exciting. Multi-disciplinary awareness is encouraged at all times.

The Commerce Department emphasizes on imbibing practical skills, analytical skills and problem solving ability. Students are provided with a basic understanding of various principles, procedures and practices related to business. Their thought process is further stimulated by exposing them to frequent brainstorming sessions on important issues and concepts related to national and global financial issues.

Subject Options for Classes XI & XII

Subject Combinations





Optional / Additional Subjects

(Any Two)

Group 1

English (Core)

Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics

Computer Science, Fashion-Studies,

Painting, Economics, Physical Education, Hindustani Music Vocal.

Group 2

English (Core)

Physics, Chemistry

& Biology

Painting, Psychology, Food Production, Physical Education. Hindustani Music Vocal .

Group 3

English (Core)

Accounts, Economics & Business Studies

Fashion-Studies, Painting, Media Studies, Psychology, Food Production, Mathematics, Physical Education, Informatics Practices, Hindustani Music Vocal .

Group 4

English (Core)

Economics , History &

Political Science 

Fashion-Studies, Painting, Media Studies, Psychology, Food Production,

Mathematics, Physical Education, Hindustani Music Vocal.


Education that focuses on skills enhancement is essential to succeed in the contemporary world. Under the theme of “Creating Independent Learners” our school stands out as a beacon of brilliance in the quest to comprehend the fundamental importance of skill evolution in education. The school’s seamless integration of skill development into its curriculum has transformed the idea of education. This institution recognizes that education goes beyond theoretical knowledge and literature.

Need for Skill Education

      To develop skilled manpower through diversified courses.

      To instil self- employment skills.

      There is huge employment potential in the market.

      To provide employment to a large number of youths in the country.

Grooming Divergent Thinkers...

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School Admission

Salwan Public School, Gurugram is a co-educational Senior Secondary School affiliated to CBSE.