Student Council Badge Ceremony

Salwan Public School, Gurugram organised Junior and Senior Student Council Badge ceremony in the school premises. As the school reopened, the badges were handed over to newly elected Student Council, 2021-22. Ms Rashmi Malik, the Principal, pinned the badges to the newly elected council members to instil a sense of duty and pride in them. Ma’am enlightened all present by sharing the importance of school uniform and how each member of the Student Council team has an important role in the functioning of school. She motivated everyone by quoting an example on high moral values. She further encouraged them by stating that a group only becomes a team when all the team members are sure of themselves and understand the power of appreciating each other. It was a much-awaited moment for everyone. All the students were exhilarated to receive their badges and they assured to give their best to school by fulfilling their duties sincerely. The ceremony concluded by congratulating the students for magnificent and inspiring leadership roles in their school life.