Montessori Events – May 2021

Week 1

Looking at the situation of pandemic around, a week break was given from May 2 to May 9, 2021.

Week 2

The schedule for the week was planned to provide an interactive and tactile period for the learners with their class Teacher. The sessions began with prayer, yoga and exercise followed by interaction with the class teacher to promote a classroom of thinkers to develop their astute insight, competency and impeccable values.

Students thoroughly enjoyed ‘Scavenger Hunt’ activity and learnt about ‘Naming words’ .They recapitulated aa ki matra through a story and attempted a google form. Through Maths Lab activity based on the topic ‘Place value’ they displayed their understanding about the concept. ‘Bingo’ game was organised to witness their knowledge of ‘Sense organs and Body parts’ in a joyful way.

International Armed Forces Day

Teachers conducted a session about the ‘International Armed Forces Day’ to create awareness about the significance of the Day and imbibe courage and patriotism. The International Armed Forces day is celebrated in Third Saturday of May every year. In India ‘The Armed Forces Day’ is celebrated on 7 December since 1949 with an objective to collect funds from people for the welfare of the Armed forces staff by selling National flags, batches, stickers and other items. It is a time for the people of a Nation to express their gratitude and appreciation to the current and veteran military personnel to acknowledge their service.

Grade 1
Date: 17 May 2021

An interactive session was planned for the learners with their class teacher to be in touch with them during the vacation. The session began with prayer, yoga and exercise followed by a story telling based on life of lockdown through a video. Importance of keeping their homes neat, obeying their elders and not wasting food were told to the learners through the story. Students enjoyed interacting with their peers and the teacher.

Grade 1

An interactive session was scheduled for Friday, May 21, 2021. The session began with prayer followed by super brain yoga. Each child was given an opportunity to share his/her experiences about online classes or holidays for one minute with their peers and teachers. Most of the students told their teachers that they enjoyed the online classes. However, some of them were missing the school and expressed their desire to visit the school and play with their friends. Some of them shared about interesting and creative hobbies which they enjoy during the vacation.

Grade 1
Date: 24 May 2021

Entertainment relives stress and watching cartoon promotes laughter.
A cartoon session was scheduled on Monday, May 24, 2021 for the students to have fun with their peers. The session began with prayer and yoga followed by dance and freeze. Children were happy and excited for their favourite leisure time activity. They had loads of fun and laughter while watching the cartoon movie. After watching the cartoon movie they discussed about their favourite cartoon show and character with their friends and the teacher.

Grade 1
May 28, 2021

The virtual field trip enables to bring real life experience to the learners to visit and explore places with individual learning outcomes. A virtual tour to Zoological garden was planned for today’s session. Students were excited to look at the animals and their surroundings and developed compassion and empathy for them. Smiles and laughter of the learners revealed their fun and joy.

Online birthday celebration was organised for the birthday children of April and May months. They were greeted by their friends and presented an e-card individually. Each birthday child shared his/her experiences about their birthday. Children enjoyed playing games and dancing with the tune of birthday party song.

Grade 1

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." ― Mahatma Gandhi

A virtual pet show was organised on Saturday, May 29, 2021 for grade 1&2 of Salwan Public school, Gurugram. Family plays an important role in a child’s life. Celebrating different days such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Grandparents’ Day, enable our little kids to show their gratitude. But there is another important member of a family who teaches us to be patient, sensitive, understanding and lots more. And they are our Adorable Pets. To celebrate a day with pets, a virtual pet show- Pet-Pals was organised. The students joined the session with their pets and spoke a few lines about them. They presented their memories and shared their emotions with a beautiful virtual background related to theme.