Felicitation Ceremony of Swami Sivananda ji, Padma Shri

It was a proud moment for the students and staff of Salwan Public School, Gurugram, when Padma Shri Yog Guru Swami Sivananda ji, a 126-year-old living embodiment of Yoga, Dhyana and Sewa visited the school on May 7,2022. A session on yoga and interactive session was held in the premises of the school. Swami Sivananda ji was born on 8 August in 1896. Swami ji, though belongs to a humble background of Sylhet District of Bengal Presidency, British India, has become the oldest living legend to be conferred with Padma Shri by honourable President of India for his selfless mission to serve humanity. Swami ji has been honoured with various other awards including the Yoga Yatna Award in 2019, and Basundhara Ratna Award by Respect Age International for his contribution to society. He has dedicated his life for the welfare of human society. His simplest way of disciplined and well-regulated life is an exemplary blue-print for all of us to live a disease-free life. The event was formally initiated with the lamp lighting ceremony followed by Ganesh Vandana. Our honourable Chairman Emeritus, Sh Shiv Dutt Salwan ji gave a floral welcome to respected Swamiji. On this occasion Trustee and Founder Principal, Dr Indu Khetrapal, Trustee Lieutenant General Dr Arvind Mahajan and School Management Committee Members Mr Michael Dias, Brigadier Mr Anand Sharma and Mr J N Chopra, school principal Rashmi Malik, sister schools’ principals, teachers, students and other guests were present. School Principal Rashmi Malik said the occasion of Swamiji’s visit to the school would forever be deeply embossed in the mind of each student. She praised the simple lifestyle and yoga practices of Swamiji. She added that for most of the staff and students, Swamiji is a role model and his persona would go a long way in moulding the lives and aspirations of today’s generation. The interactive session with Swamiji was a lifetime experience for the students. It enlightened them and they went back with ignited minds and an oath to serve the humanity and practice yoga everyday for a better life. The programme culminated with a vote of thanks by school vice principal Dr Sunita Jakhar.