Montessori Events – July 2021
Week 1
National Doctor’s Day
National Doctor’s day was celebrated by the learners of Grade 1and 2, Salwan Public School on July 1, 2021 through virtual platform to express gratitude to the doctors and the health care workers during the pandemic. The day is observed to commemorate the birth and death anniversry of Dr B.C Roy. The day is dedicated to all the doctors and the health care workers who have been serving people by risking their lives. The Covid 19 has once again reminded us about the contributions and sacrifices made by doctors and health care workers around the globe. Doctor parents of the learners told the students about health tips, importance of healthy diet, regular exercise, how to take care of eyes, mental health and body posture during this pandemic through recorded videos. ‘Thankyou’ message was given to all the doctors and health care workers for serving our community.

Environment Saviours Presentation
July 3, 2021
There are so many super heroes we watch in cartoons, there are many real heroes in the world we know, but there are incredible people in this world we don’t know about. These incredible people who are no less than super heroes for saving the planet in their own ways!!
The learners of Grade 1, Salwan Public School, Gurugram showcased the great work of the Environmental heroes of the world to Save our environment. Students researched about the environment saviours and presented the good work of the incredible people, in their own creative way. Some were dressed up like the environment heroes, some used props like ppt, posters etc. and showcased their work. Teachers were amazed to see the innovative ideas of the learners during their presentation.

Recapitulation of concepts was done through quizzes and Google forms in all the subjects. Learners were introduced the method to solve a reading comprehension. Phonetics and reading activities were taken to enhance reading skills. Concept of genders was introduced in Hindi along with e and ee matra. Revision of Chapter 8 and 9 was done in EVS along with introduction of CH 18- The World of Plants with the help of a virtual tour. Students enjoyed drawing fruits and vegetables in Art class. Subtraction was introduced through activities and ppt.
Week 2
Riddles were given to the learners every day and answers were discussed during Class Teacher Period along with prayer and super brain Yoga. Topic- Articles was introduced with the help of an activity, Hot Seat Game and ppt. Subtraction properties was introduced along with a variety of strategies to subtract small numbers. Learners were introduced with the types of plants, things we get from plants and what plants need to grow. They learnt about features of computer and different types of computers.
July 17, 2021
International Justice Day
A special session was conducted to celebrate International Justice day for the learners of Grade 1and 2, Salwan Public School on July 17, 2021 through virtual platform to strengthen the system of Justice. The aim of this day is to unite everyone who wants to support justice . It also helps to prevent serious crimes that put the peace, security and well-being of the world at risk.
The session begun with prayer and super brain yoga followed by watching a moral story based on ‘Justice’. The learners were assigned a task to observe the video of the story carefully and discuss their understaning with their peers. They were put in breakout rooms and encouraged to discuss within their groups and choose any one member as a leader to present their views in the main session. Each group learnt from their peers and mesmerised with their presentation. The learners were apprised with the importance of justice in our everyday lives and how to practice the same with the help of a ppt. They were told to respect others, to be fair while playing, be honest in everything they do and think what is good for everyone and just not for themselves.
The learners enjoyed the special session and learnt the importance of fair and honest behaviour.

Week 3
Lesson Tina Learns to share was introduced and learners were taught to read along with correct pronunciation and modulation of voice. They learnt new vocabulary and attempted a google form based on the lesson. Learners learnt the concept of 2 D and 3 D shapes in a fulfilled way and solved problems using visualisation and reasoning. Different types of meals and importance of balanced diet was taught to the students. Experiment- Sowing seeds was done to understand the concept of germination. Students enjoyed making origami carrot during their Art class.
Week 4
Chapter- The three wishes was introduced and children learnt to read the text with correct pronunciation and intonation. They learnt new words and value to think before speaking and making wise choices. Worksheet related to shapes was attempted by the learners to reinforce the concept of shapes. They were able to recognise 2D and 3D shapes in their surroundings. Chapter- Food we eat was taught through activities, quiz and worksheets. Reading Session was organised during CTP on Saturday July 31, 2021.
Kargil Diwas
July 26, 2021
A special session was conducted to celebrate kargil Diwas for the learners of Grade 1and 2, Salwan Public School on July 26, 2021 through virtual platform to remember India’s war victory and pay tribute to Kargil War Heroes. This marks the symbol of courage and sacrifice for safeguarding the borders of the country. Kargil Vijay Diwas every year marks the successful completion of “OPERATION VIJAY”. This day is celebrated in the Kargil –sector and the national capital New Delhi, where the Prime Minister of India pays homage to the soldiers at Amar Jawan Jyoti at India Gate every year. Functions are organised all over the country to commemorate the contributions of the armed forces.
A Card making Activity was organised for the students with a message for the heroes of our country. This helped the children to express their gratitude towards the soldiers and develop the value of patriotism.

International Tiger Day
July 29, 2021
A special session was conducted to celebrate International tiger Day for the learners of Grade 1and 2 Salwan Public School on July 29, 2021 through virtual platform to raise awareness about the declining tiger population in the world. Enthusiasm of the students was reflected on their smiling faces and head gears of tiger during the session. Students enjoyed watching a video about tigers and their life. They made a tiger paper craft with colourful paper and enhanced their creative skills. Each one of them was excited to showcase the tiger craft during the online class. This helped the learners to awaken the thought process in contributing towards saving the National animal of the country-‘Tigers’.

Cooking Without Fire – Jul 2021